Ibland får man roliga spam. Ett par gånger nu har jag fått mail från en knäppskalle1 som tycker att han borde ha Nobelpris för upptäckten av den "4:e dimensionen".
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Physicist (BS 1995), a student at WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY and I have made an important scientific discovery - The 4th Dimension. I will not get into scientific details, but a lot of our science will improve with the acceptance and use of this new discovery.
I have created a website to explain my discovery, it is titled: "Ueber Alles - The Struggle of Kurt Schwierige" - It reads like “a movie”, but I use this teaching technique so complex ideas can be understood with ease. It illustrates how to use The 4th Dimension scientifically.
The website address that has a list of all my Technical Papers is here:
The list is as follows.
(1) New Ideas in Relativity [ For Nobel Consideration ][ Physics ]
(2) PI made Rational [ For Nobel Consideration ][ Physics / Mathematics ]
(3) Game Theory [ Computer Systems Engineering / Machine Science / Computer Science / Neuroscience /Physics / Mathematics / 4D-Space Theory ]
(4) Machine Science [ Computer Science / Neuroscience / Computer Systems Engineering ]
(5) Machine Programming [ Computer Systems Engineering / Machine Science / Computer Science / Neuroscience / Physics / Mathematics / Music / Psychology ]
(6) 4D-Space Games [ Video Games played via "thought" : Virtual Reality Video Games Made Real... Computer Systems Engineering / Machine Science / Computer Science / Neuroscience : "Play With The Future, Today." ]
(7) Reflection, Light & Properties of "The Invisible"[ Physics & Engineering ]
(8) Grid Computing, Virtual Machines & Internet Inefficiency [ Computer Science ]
(9) The Unified Field Theory [ For Nobel Consideration ] [ Physics ]
(10) The Operating System of Organic Machines [ Computer Systems Engineering / Machine Science / Computer Science / Neuroscience / Physics / Mathematics / 4D Space Theory ]
Your committee deals with scientists and with this dimension, errors in scientific work are immediately recognized; so The 4th Dimension acts as an “error checker” and will become an invaluable tool for scientists to use.
I present to your committee my website, for your perusal.
Thank You.Gabriel Agbasi, Physicist
The Author of Ueber Alles
Copy: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
För ett smakprov på hans fantastiska forskning, och ett gott skratt, titta gärna in på hans sida "Pi made rational". Fast det kanske nästan bästa av allt är att en googling ger vid handen att herr Agbasi verkar vara en välkommen del av WSU:s kollegium, utan arresterats av Western Washington University police för intrång. Jag tror han får vänta lite på sina Nobelpris...
1 Han ger höga poäng på John Baez knäppskalleskala.